Supervision, Practicum and EMDR Consultation
Supervision and Consultation
Get One-on-One Support for Your Hours
My practice is Denver-based and serves a variety of clients throughout Colorado via Telehealth (due to COVID.) Clients present with a variety of concerns, but my specialties are trauma, depression, anxiety, EMDR treatment, and career development.
If you are interested in scheduling in Introductory Call, please call here.
Supervisees Receive:
one hour per week of supervision at a rate of $80/session or ninety minutes of supervision at $120 per session.
All supervision takes place over Zoom
Access to me on an emergency basis between appointments via phone.
Guidance based on training required for the Approved Clinical Supervisor credential (45 hours of post-graduate training), my ongoing training toward certification in EMDR, and over a decade of counseling experience.
Supervisees can see clients on the following insurance plans: Aetna, Cigna, Medicaid, and Medicare. Some EAPs may be willing to work with pre-licensed counselors as well. A $30 fee per claim applies to help defray costs associated with submitting claims and follow up time.
DORA’s Current Laws and Rules and My Expectations
I want every supervisee to have an excellent experience and feel that they can practice with confidence in whatever setting they choose. My expertise is primarily in private practice, however, I fully support anyone considering a for profit or nonprofit agency or a role in higher education. I will help you was much as possible in working out what sort of business model might work best for you in your own practice and talk through what your ideal client-base looks like and the pros and cons of fee-for-service versus being paneled with insurance.
When it comes to licensure in Colorado, as you may know, DORA has made multiple changes to counselor licensure laws and said they were going to make changes that did not come to pass. I do my best to read updates as they are released and consult with other professionals regarding how to interpret updates to the laws and regulations.
Most recently, DORA issued new guidance regarding supervision for LPCCs and clarification on how the 2,000 hours of post graduate experience need to be divided. When the Board issued this update, they somehow changed the wording regarding supervision requirements from specifically requiring 100 total hours of supervision over a two year period. Seventy of those hours needed to be individual and 30 could be group. Since the update, the wording has changed to supervision being “reasonably distributed” over the course of the LPCC’s experience.
While I do not view my role as a supervisor to micromanage therapists, any client an LPCC sees under my supervision is my client and I must oversee their care as best I can. Therefore, I ask that anyone who enters into a supervisor-supervisee relationship with me plans to either meet with me weekly (on average) or provide proof that they are receiving supplementary supervision elsewhere (such as a group run by another LPC who is a qualified supervisor, a doctoral program, or another supervisor.)
DORA’s Revised Rules and Statutes
Application Guidelines:
You must have your LPCC in the State of Colorado or be eligible for it with a supervision plan.
Provide proof of current liability insurance.
Generally, have access to your own client base. I’m willing to work with you if you are in a non-traditional setting (such as a community college counseling center) where it’s often difficult to find a qualified supervisor and your caseload may look a bit unconventional. As long as telehealth remains an option, anyone completing hours toward licensure is welcome to use my telehealth resources to work with clients. We would just need to have a clear agreement that you are not an employee or contractor of my organization for this purpose and sign an agreement clarifying that we both understand that your fee for supervision is not a fee for client referrals. (Apologies for the cumbersome language. DORA has regulations we need to follow.)
If you are fully licensed and just want a second opinion on cases: Yay you! All you need to do is provide me with proof of licensure and the agreement we would sign just will indicate that you are practicing independently and are just seeking consultation rather than supervision under my license. The same applies if you are looking for someone to supervise your supervision if you are seeking the ACS.
Include a current resume (yes, even if you don’t have related experience) and a cover letter addressing why you are interested in counseling as a profession, the populations you are interested in, and what interests you about this site.
Anyone interested in seeing clients under my insurance contracts is required to undergo and pass a backround check.
Three professional references are required.
A minimum graduate GPA of 3.75 is required
EMDR Consultation
If you have completed the EMDR Basic Training and are interested in becoming an EMDR Certified Practitioner or if you are just looking for some support with challenging EMDR cases, I would love to help you out. I am an EMDR Certified Practitioner and Consultant In Training (CIT.) If you are interested in learning more about working with me, please call and we can schedule a meeting.