Stance on Testimonials

Why we don’t solicit or post testimonials

Confidentiality Matters Now More Than Ever

The only information that is ever disclosed is at a client’s request to share records with a new clinician or to bill insurance. We believe that the issues you discuss are more intimate than what you talk about when you get your car serviced or buy a toaster.

Professional Standards

Both the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) and the American Counseling Association either prohibit or strongly discourage the solicitation of testimonials or reviews.

Why do some therapists and career coaches post testimonials or reviews? Not every code of ethics is the same. This is a point that they vary on significantly, especially when it comes to career coaching and even people who refer to themselves as career counselors. Since a professional code of ethics typically offers some room for interpretation, individual practitioners often at least believe they have latitude.

In previous experiences, it has become clear that confidentiality and privacy are essential to building and maintaining trust and it’s at least as important in career development as it is in personal therapy. Our clients often work in positions of high responsibility and in tight professional communities where any hint of seeking career consultation to change jobs or careers could compromise their ability to find gainful employment in the future. Your future is more important than getting public accolades with a client’s name attached.